Farmers Life.
Seeding is hard time of year for my family, mostly on the kids. Daddy goes out for long days on the seeder, and the kids begin to miss their daddy terribly. We sometimes pray for ran so that he will come home and spend time with us. Mother natures way of giving farmers a brake. If there is no rain, they are stead fast in their job. Nothing will stop a farmer from finishing that field before the rain comes, or spraying that field just in time. Family time takes a back seat to seeding and harvest, as getting both of these done is very important to keeping this family fed. When i say that a farmer gives up his spot at the dinner table it is very real. The life of a farmer is much different to that of a family living in the city or a town. 9 to 5 jobs always have a end of day, where we are never sure when our day will end. Wives of farmers become single parents to the children, trying to explain why daddy isn't here for bedtime. Trying to explain why daddy is always in the field, why he will not stop until the job is done.
I very often hear parents in town talking about how they think a farmer should quit at 5 to come home to his kids. It is not like they don't want to, but more if they stop they might not get another chance for days if mother nature decides other wise. If farmers always stopped when they wanted to, there wouldn't be much bread on the shelves at the store, or the produce you buy everyday. Just think about how much work you put into your little garden and then imagine the size of our garden. When you spray your lawn for weeds we spray 3000 acres of land, to plant our garden to grow barley and wheat to make your bread. We grow barley to feed our cows that make it possible for you to have burgers, hotdogs, steaks, roasts, and all those lovely family suppers. We grow Canola to make your canola oil to help cook your supper with.
Every day we miss my husband who works so hard to put food on our table and yours. We work to make your summer BBQ's possible, you flour for baking, your oil for cooking. When you cook your next meal think of where all that food came from. All those farmers not at the table with their families so yours can have a family meal. You all work hard at something take a minute this time of year to think of those working hard to help make that food.
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