Who Takes Care of the Mom's When We get sick!

Taken by me whil kids said "LET ME SEE!"
Welcome to Autumn, when the leaves change colour and the kids bring home all those germs from school.

           I love back to school, they get out of my hair and some one else gets to deal with them in all their snotty glory. It starts out great "Ya they are out of the house!" then I have something new to deal with. They might be back to school but that means they are bringing home more than just their backpacks and lunch kits. The germs....HOLY FUCK the germs are back! As a mother it's our job to nurse them back to health. We do this without a second thought, Thinking only if we get them better we might not get sick. As soon as you think that, You will get sick! We take care of the kids but who takes care of the mom's when we get sick?

          It never fails that when everyone else is over their cold, mom gets sick. Then what happens? the house falls into disrepair, the pile of dirty dishes almost touches the roof, and i will not go into detail about how the bathrooms look! The kleenx I just bought is all gone, but you can see the used kleenx in those mountain high bathroom garbage cans that aren't being taken out, because the person that would normally take them out is sick. Even while being sick we still manage to make supper, but fuck the dishes can stay dirty. While the Epic MAN COLD has come and gone you are then left to sit on the couch and watch the kids, through blurry tired eyes and a pounding headache. 

       I don't know about your husband, but I married a farmer! OOPS! This means that when he is done being sick with his MAN COLD, and i am now sick. All i get after making him soup is "okay honey, I have to go to work now. Bye Love you." He leaves me feeling just as bad as he did with all the kids, and all the house work to be done. When mom's get sick there needs to be a "Handy Helper" because by the time i get sick everyone else is ready to go. O but then you get these people that tell you "You should go take a nap." In what Fucking world can i take a nap while looking after kids! Some one please explain to me how you do that? The TV is not a baby sitter tho it can be a big help, I am not going to take a nap. Then to wake up to my house looking like the Apocalypse happened while i was "just taking a nap!" Men get sick and we their wives take care of them and let them nap. What do we get in the end? Over tired, sick, and still have chores to do! When they say that being a mom is the hardest job in the world they aren't kidding! We don't get sick days, vacation days, we don't get weekends off. Being a Mom is a 24/7 job and i wouldn't have it any other way! So the answer to my question.....Is We take care of ourselves!.........AAAAACHOOOOOO! 


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