The Internet is a Dangerous Place for Kids!
I really HATE tech when kids get their mucky paws all over it. How can a parent give their kid an iPad with out a timer or any sense how their kid is going to us it? Kids don't know when to stop or what not to click on. The internet is Big and so vast that they could have themselves in trouble in a matter of a single click or a tap on the screen. Sure schools are trying to teach them what is safe and what isn't, but do kids listen? No! they sure don't. We can try to control our kids by giving them talks all kinds of stuff, but it doesn't amount to much when the rest of the people on the internet are coming up with more horrible ways to get kids to kill them selves or telling them to stick a knife in a toaster. Just writing this is making my stomach roll because there are so many people out there. They can't seem and sometimes they can't be tracked. They know this and get good at it so then start targeting kids that don't know any better. They steal your child's innocence, without a second thought. There never us to be such a thing a cyber bullying, in my day it was done what we would call the normal way. Which is awful still because kids still do it. You know what? when i kids start bullying people that is a direct reflection on the parent. Now a days some parents don't even go to Parent Teacher interviews, they just think there kids all the right grades and that is great so no reason to go talk to the teacher. If you don't take an interest in what you're kids are doing you are effectively allowing your child to become a horrible person. Bullying doesn't stop when school ends it continues in't adulthood and those kids that are adults will raise their kids to do the same thing. So this all one big horrible circle and unless parents take action With their kids to help them understand that they have to change or nothing will change for the child. We must the change to effect change or nothing will change. Cyber Bullying is the reason why i don't want my kids to have instagram accounts, or facebook accounts. It's yet another reason my 10 year old doesn't have a cell phone, no one needs to be sending her mean messages because they are bored, or have nothing better to do than to mean to others. I love the fact that our internet runs out after 100GB so that no one can get to my kids! the internet is horrible thing!
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