Why I ditched my 14 Pro and switched to the 14 plus!

         I am a chronic Techy. I can't help but want the best of the best, or the lastest and greatest.  

    I have tried Samsung, I have tried Google. None of them seem to be able to get me out of the Apple eco system. I own almost everything Apple. I have a  Apple watch, Ipad mini, Iphone, IMac, Air pods, Apple TV and a Macbook Air. I have surrounded myself with Apple and I sit there wondering why I don't try other phones or eco systems.  Then when i do try a Samsung or Google I get frustrated because i don't have air drop or imessages. Almost everyone I know has an Iphone. It's very rare for me to find someone that has an android. I bought the Iphone 14 pro thinking yes i am going to keep this phone for the next year. Then I started finding things I didn't like about the phone. 

    I found that the focal length is even farther away which means most of the time I have to back, and then zoom in. Which means I am not using the 48 MP but the 12 mp instead. I tried to take a picture of my kids in front the Christmas tree, and found that it was focusing on the tree and not the faces of my kids. It also tried to tell me I was to close.... again. I had to lock the focus on one face and hope the rest where in focus. I want my point and shout camera. Most times I don't want to think I just want to take the picture and know I will get a good image. Sure it's great at video but I can't get a good action shot when taking a picture. The phone takes to long to think and the image is gone. With all this in mind I decided to make a switch. 

    Why was I paying so much for this phone that takes pictures that look they did two generations ago? I thought about it a little more and came to conclusion. I would rather have a good wide angle and regular camera, than pay extra for a telephoto lense that doesn't do the phone justice. I also wanted more memory, I take pictures, I us audible, I have a lot of music. I have kids that like to have games on my phone. Is 128gb enough to last for a year? NO! we all knew that.

photo from GSMArea

    I know many people will say that their  photo's are fine or they don't mind, or it's worth the money. Me personally I can't make that statement. I just don't think it's worth it. If I want a good photo zoomed in I am bring my DSLR. If I can't be bothered, I will just have to get close. Most of the YouTubers that i see are telling you that the Iphone 14 plus is just a weird phone. I find that to be very harsh and very biased. They are all concerned about spec's. I DON'T CARE ABOUT SPECS! I care about everyday use. This phone is ment for those that aren't power users, but normal everyday people that need a bigger screen, need more battery, want good pictures, more memory and a good price tag that is easier to swallow. 

That is just my opinion. What is yours??

What is your favourite Colour out of the all the Iphone's this year? Lavender has my vote! 


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