I have a new HATRED for the word BORED!

When i was little i would say the word "Bored" my mom would give me a list of things to do. Did i want to do any of those things?.....Of course not!! Who wants to do anything their mother suggested! The role is now reversed and I HATE hearing that fucken word! 

I have a new hatred for the sentence "Mom, I am bored!" They don't even have to have finished the sentence before I have a list of things they could help me with or things that they could be playing with. What kid wants to clean their bedroom or go OUTSIDE and play! Good Lord if i tried to turn the TV off now a days I would have a up rising on my hands. I say " Go outside and play!" they say "NO we don't want to!" What follows next is a complete break down of the system which them ends up with me yelling and telling them to get out! Funny enough once outside they are happy to play! Play seems to be getting stolen my Ipad's, TV, and Gaming! I am only 29 going on 30 in November but back in my day we didn't get those things all the time, we didn't have cell phones or tablets! Kids now have so many things to keep them busy and yet some how they still come to me saying that fucken sentence! Every time it sends me over the edge! Because the swing set and trampoline that bought you is just no fun any more right? Until they go to a friends house and then holy crap they have a trampoline! It's summer and the pool sits in the back yard looking very lonely and all they can come up with is "No I don't want to!" All this "No i don't want to" is the reason you are bored child! If they had an imagination instead of the TV doing it all for them i would not be hearing the word "Bored" all the time! 

Because playing this little guy is so NOT fun at all!
The definition of childhood and all it's means are being changed by technology and not always for the better!  Some of it is great! Some completely robs children of outside time or playing house or playing with the kittens or the dog! The word Bored is a reflection on my parenting, which leads me to believe that i must be doing something wrong that, that word is being used! Clearly i need to pick up my game! Or at least until school starts again at which point i get lazy on this stuff lol!  But since it's still summer I have to keep trying! 

It sounds like the 2 year old is getting into something he shouldn't be! tah tah! 

Never mind he just pooped his bum! for you that want to know! ha ha ha love being a mom thing! i am only useful when i can clean up ! 


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