Why do they call it Summer Vacation? Because it's not for the Parents!

 I just don't understand why they call it "Summer vacation" for a parent this is far from the truth.

every parents reaction
when school is out for summer!
For a parent the real vacation starts when the kids go back to school. This is the time of year that gets so busy it feels like once i have started there is not stopping. No matter how low on "fuel" you feel, summer vacation seems to be the wrong term. If we are talking reality, it really just includes more angry parents that send swear words into the air like a thunder storm makes it rain. You become a human toy, that can't do anything right. Then you end up looking like a barbie you got mad at and shaved her head! Each year they make your hair turn a colour easier than a hair dresser can and it's not a pretty colour if you have any left by the time this happens. If i was a referee i would get paid but they can't afford me, and for some reason i work for free. At some point you think about hiring a maid then remember at least she would get paid, you just get more stuff pilled on you the more you clean so why bother?? A day care has it better than you do. They can send the kids home when they are sick ,or even just give them back at the end of the work day. I can't do that! The closest i get is to a sleep over and that is if their grandparents can get them to sleep! Summer vacation becomes more of a contest to see who can push mom's button's the most! Like right now my 3 1/2 year old is having a fit, refusing to go to sleep and kicking my wall as i type this blog! 

Summer Vacation makes me want nothing more than adult time. Mommy time seems to slip through your fingers like that puke did the other night. Camping! Don't even get me started! Kids want to go in 3 different directions, that all end up at the park so why can't we just take the same path? Being at the beach has never been so hard, NEEDING ice cream before you can safely say the day was a success! Up side to all this is camping tires them out so much that they sleep! Thank fuck, because this mom doesn't last much past their bedtime. The only good thing is VBS that comes up in August. If you don't know what VBS, is it's Vacation Bible School! They take them for half a day for a week! Summer looks pretty good when that is happening and mom can go get a donut and not by 12 of them, only to realize you didn't get one and some how they are all gone! What i really mean is i don't have to share.

But I do really hope your summer is not as i just described it, but more remembering that summer you use to have before you made the error of thinking having kids! Have kids they said, it will be fun they said! I call bull sh*t! If you don't have kids, have a drink for all those that do and remember us before we got boring!

HAPPY SUMMER VACATION! ..................or not??


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