Why I HATE Facebook!


Don't get me wrong in the beginning I loved it! I couldn't get enough of it and wanted all the followers I could get. I loved scrolling and looking at other peoples posts and what they were up to. It made me feel connected when in reality I was so far from it that I didn't even realize. I was sharing things with people I knew off but didn't really talk to or know. I was trying to be a social butterfly when in reality I am a very shy person that doesn't really get people. In the years since Facebook has started and evolved I have discovered that I don't fit in with what we would call "normal" people. To me normal people are hard to understand I don't get them, anything about them. So the last time I went on Facebook I realized how fake i was being. I was giving off the impression that I liked what everyone else liked, and was okay with that. I have come to realize that I am NOT. Facebook was making me twist myself to be someone that I am not. I like my privacy. I am not a normal girl. I like Doctor Who, I have tattoos, and have more that one set of earrings in my ears, I sometimes have colour in my hair and by that I mean purple or pink. I like hanging around loud people because they aren't afraid to be who they are, and it's okay for me to be loud and bubbly. I never say the right thing and my grammar is horrible. I had so many people on facebook that i felt i couldn't be who i really was. That some or most of the people on facebook would take anything i posted the wrong way. It has happened in the past and it will happen again. Everyone is on facebook and if you leave facebook you miss things. Everyone does everything with facebook, you create events, you plan family trips, you plan day trips with family, nothing happens anymore with out facebook. Since nothing happens without it you can bet it can also cause some fights over things. All of this combined with being made to conform made me leave facebook. Not everyone needs to know everything that i am doing. I want only those i am truly comfortable with to see what i am doing.

Since realizing  all this i have switched to only using twitter and mostly Instagram. Yes in both these cases my profiles are public, however i believe that only those that like me or what i post will follow. I feel free to post what i like and be myself,  if you don't like it you don't like it and that is okay too!  I don't want anyone else to feel this kinda anger or pressure to be something or someone else just to get the followers! Since when did it become about the followers? Why can't it be about being who you are? showing others how you view the world? Showing the world your creative side? Its another way of seeing the world as it could be. Many people keep giving quotes to others but never really keep it in mind when they go out to see the world. I do truly believe one person can change the world by simply being yourself! The world isn't on this screen you are reading, it's out there waiting for your next adventure! GO have fun take a few pictures along the way, spend money because memories last forever, money doesn't.


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