A Letter to a Mom of a terminal Child

Dear Mom:

          You are going to through a time that no parent should have to go through, a time that no parent wants to go through. Your child is healthy now but in time he will not be, in time he will forget how to eat, what the names of his friends are, he will forget how to walk and talk. All these things will be very hard to watch, too even think about right now i want to cry for you. I wish i could snap my fingers and make it all go away, and leave you with a happy healthy child. Instead i will help you love him even more, i will help you see him for everything he is right now. A bright, kind, funny, smart, happy little child.

      You have more strength in you than anyone i have ever met. Going each day knowing that he gets closer to the end is something i can't even imagine knowing, but you have the strength to get up everyday and make the most of all the time you get with him. He may be little but he is mighty in every way that matters, he has more strength than Ironman and Caption America put together. You fight every day for everything he gets and every minute you get to spend with him. You give everything you have in you to this child and i am positive he will never forget. Some how you have made your peace with what is happening, at every appointment your strength is there with you and the peace you have made is so bright it shines!

      They say that Unicorns are a myth, I say they are wrong. Unicorns are creatures that are rare and unique and one of a kind. Mother you have one! He is rare and one of a kind, and nothing in the world could be better than having him. He will help you change the way you view the world from a normal massive place to one of endless possibilities. He will show you how you to do things differently than others and long after he is gone you will continue to do things the way he would have because no one else has come up with it. All those beautiful memories you are making now will turn into stories that you tell and every time you tell them you will feel him sitting right beside you reminding you of all the details. You will see his bright smiling face shining up at you because he remembers too.

      Death is not the end but a new beginning, a new adventure that he will begin feeling so much better and will have so much fun watching you from not as far away as you might think. Your strength will see you through and your memories will keep you sane, your friends and family will do the rest while you find a new normal in your life. Help will always be given to those who ask for it. Just remember to ask!

Save the Unicorns!
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