Ever feel like you are failing as a Parent?
When me and my husband decided to have kids, we didn't really think about the challenges we would face with each child.
When we decided to have kids we thought every kid would come without a NICU trip or without any mental or motor challenges. I never thought forward to the dental, and optometrist bills. The Speech Language therapists, and extra teachers. All of these things i seemed to not think about. In my ignorance i thought it would be all cup cakes and rainbows and that every child is perfect and will not need any extra help. I was so wrong. Don't miss understand my kids are perfect to me, however when school started we began to realize that our kids would need extra help. My oldest had trouble from the very beginning with her speech and motor skills, which intern led to a hard time reading, writing, and spelling. She would go out with a teacher who knew how to teach children like her how to read and help with her speech. Now my 6 year old has signs of Dyslexia, she can't seem to commit to memory her ABC's or her numbers. Which of course means trouble down the road next year in grade 1 when reading begins! When things like this are realized it is hard to not have that feeling of failing your child. You start going back in your memories and thinking where did i go wrong? Or what am i doing wrong? The truth is that your aren't doing anything wrong! It is just another hurtle to over come for not only you but for the child as well. My 8 year old can now read Captain Underpants very well and getting better every day!
When your children have trouble your first instinct is to make it better however you can. But that can't always be done. Some times you need to change up your approach and see it from their perspective. Asking for help is a big deal too! Don't just sit at home do the only thing you think will work, it's very important to ask for help. You don't have go through it alone and as they say in the Harry Potter world "Help will always be given, to those who ask for it!"
To sum this blog up, you are not failing at parenting even though it might feel like it! Work hard, ask for help, and don't be afraid to speak up! Keep trying because you are not alone!
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