I'm Only 29 and I Already don't like Birthdays!

9 years ago we brought home our first child, and then thought "Now what do we do?"

My Daughter just turned 9 years old on October 4th, and it got me thinking about how i had no idea what i was in for. The sleepless nights, never knowing if i was doing the right thing or doing the wrong. It also made me think about the times when all my kids where born and how it changed so much from the first every time. When we brought Rienette home we had NO idea what we were doing, we thought we were ready but that was not the case. Had no idea how many times in 1 day a baby can poop through  their clothes and for that matter how many diapers and wipes you go through. Didn't have bottles or formula in the house because i thought breast feeding would be easy! Hint: It's not! At least not for me. Never even thought how invaluable a pacifier would be, or how many you need just to get through a day. Lets be honest here, when you are a first time parent every time that pacifier drops on the floor you are going to put that one in the sink and get a clean one. By your third baby you pick that pacifier up, You lick it off (because that baby has everything you have by now) and give it back!

The preparedness that you learn after every baby is fantastic you don't know how you did it with the first baby with out all these awesome new things. The $400 dollar baby chairs that only work until they are 20 lbs, i never used one of those! EVER! I had the good old bouncy chairs that vibrated, and played music and that was it! 9 years and so many new things have come out that are suppose to help a baby and now on the verge of turning 30 it makes me feel old. I know 30 isn't old but seeing the differences from one baby to the next is crazy and overwhelming! The change from normal toys to tablets has me up in arms! sales of toys is gone down to nothing because kids just want tablets to play games on! Guess what my new 9 year old got for her birthday after years of asking and being "good".

Birthdays either make me feel really old and happy, or i am asking people to not buy anything for me because it seems to show me just how well people know me. I would rather live in ignorance of this than know how little people know about me! But that is just me in my old age being cranky already! i will say that the quite i get when she plays on the iPad is so nice, however the other 2 remain crazy loud! Now i just need to get the younger 2 one each and i will be set....or i could spend it on myself and get a Iphone 8?


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