When my kids get sick I know what to do, when my husband gets sick..look out here comes "THE MAN COLD"
For the last week my house has been full of snot, sneezing, and coughing. Luckily I haven't come down with it yet, because if mommy gets it the house will come to a stand still. It is not a joke when they say that, when you become a mom you become a type of doctor or nurse. The amount of Information I have Accumulated over the years is kinda crazy.
When a illness comes through the house the natural order is up set. When mom is the only one left standing it means its my job to make sure that everyone has their medication when they need it. To rub the vapor rub on their chest and kiss them good night. Then hope to God they sleep. The sad part is that when my husband gets a cold, he gets as we call it "The Man Cold." Their body's stop working as does their brain! At 2 am my husband came back into the bedroom to ask a simple question "what do i take?" I slowly rolled over thinking to myself I will not get out of bed for this! He holds up two types of medication that I look at and READ, and tell him "first off that is Gravol for puking you don't need that, and you don't need the Buckley's all you need is a decongestant." to which he said. " I am taking the Buckley's.' I then rolled over and went back to sleep.
The next morning when I did finally drag my big butt out of the bed, he tells me that it didn't really work. Shocker!! I then spend 10 min explaining why the Buckley's didn't work. Only to be stared at the entire time with a blank look on his face. The terms "Decongestant" or "Antihistamine" are words that are to big for him. Then I got the annoyed face from him when I tried to simply say "READ THE LABEL!" This was to much for him, he turned to me and said " I love you" through gritted teeth and went to work.
The Man Cold is a real thing. Some how my role as wife and mother to our kids changes. I become his mother. He always asks, just before going to bed what he should take and how much. He wants me to make him soup, or he thinks he should stay in bed all day. He can't claim all of this is his fault. At some point I think I became a enabler, and made him think that is behaviour is okay. Some times I find my self taking care of the sick kids, and some times he gets right in there, and I start taking care of him too. What I must remember is that when I get sick, sure I may only get one day to be in bed. But he always makes me breakfast in bed. He makes supper and brings it up to me in bed. I don't know if your men do this for you. Even after the man cold has made a appearance at our house I remember all the times he took care of me, and I suddenly don't mind as much.
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