Mother's day makes it all worth it.

Mother's day is coming up what are you looking forward to?

Here in Canada Mother's Day is on May 14th. This time every year my husband starts asking what i want for mother's day. I always say that i would like to do nothing,  no parenting, just me relaxing and maybe getting a pedicure. Every year this does not seem to happen. I can't seem to ignore the kids screaming, or the toddler crying, while my husband tries to deal with it. So this year i have decided to ask to something expensive and shinny! 
This year I am asking for all my children's finger prints to be put on silver and made into a necklace! The company is called SmallPrint. I decided i wanted their little finger prints forever with me, no matter how big they get, or when they move out I will always have them with me. It will look something like the picture to the right but i hope to have it done in a heart shape. 

After telling my husband the guessed price of all this he went very pale and them said "If that is what you want." To which i said "It is." I them went on to tell him that he need to take the kids out again one more time before seeding starts. To clear this up for anyone who is not a farmers wife. Once seeding starts I for all intensive reasons become a single parent. My Husband will spend most of his waking hours in a small cab on a very big tractor, going back and forth planting barley, or canola, or wheat.  This then leaves me with all 3 kids, putting 1 against 3.  Since our youngest is now old enough to go out to things with his sisters, i have started a new tradition that my husband most give me a day to do whatever i need to or want to. And he doesn't need to know what i do!....Sorry got off topic back to mother's day! 

What i do look forward to on Mothers day is the fact that i get breakfast in bed, i can sleep to god knows when, and i am not made to do anything. But the Thing that beats it all is the hand made cards i get from my kids. The beautiful wild colours, and awesome family pictures, or crafts that they make at school for me. Those i treasure and save in a safe place,  So one day when they move out i can look back and see how small they where (and probably cry). All of this combined with some Family time make it a perfect day.  Enjoy your children when they are small because my oldest is now up to my shoulders in height and i feel quiet small next to her! She is only 8 and i am 5' 7"....yep! 

What do you get on Mother's Day that you treasure? 

If you want more info about SmallPrints please leave a comment and i will post a Link to there site! 


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