The MAN COLD Hits Again!
The man cold is back in full force. He needs a fricken nap! .....I wish!
When a man gets sick he thinks he should just be able to fall into bed and he will get magically better! He thinks that the Medicine just suddenly appears beside his bed and the water bottle refills it's self!
I have talked about this before but he has taken it to a whole new level of big babyness. He hasn't left the house, he walks around with his hound up on his bunny hug up and can't seem to say a sentence that makes sense. Do not miss understand he is sick, but holy crap can he milk it. I don't know about your husbands or partners but mine seems to have a PHD in milking it whenever possible. It seems that while the men get sick with the kids the mothers are made to wait until everyone else is healthy before getting sick. Which means the house comes to a complete stand still, and they suddenly realize that the house is dirty? What do you mean we don't have a cleaning lady? Today my husband was sitting in the big comfortable chair in the living room while i vacuumed and washed the floors. Guess what he said to me! "You should stop cleaning while i CAN'T help you. I feel bad when people work while i CAN'T" CAN'T work....because of a chest cold! i replied with "What?! you think the house is cleaned by magic f*cking fairies?" To which he had no reply! What i really picked up on was the 'I can't " part! because it totally incapacitates you when you have a chest cold?
Safe to say he has done nothing today. So i took advantage of it and went to do errands and left him with 2 kids while sick. That sure sounds familair ...wait doesn't he do that to me when i am sick?....must take kids out of bath..until next time!
It could have a few more things added in but as i predicted i am now sick. Until next time!
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