Hardest job in the World.
Three little words can make my bad day so much better.
When you are a stay at home mom your world is much different to that of a working mom. Your perspective on the world changes, suddenly you envy those moms and dads that get to go out into the world. Suddenly a regular job seems like a vacation from dealing with your toddler, who is screaming in your ear for something as simple as a cookie. When another mom starts talking about day care and how awesome it is and all you can do is sit there and think "I am the day care, night care, nurse, doctor, maid, cook! You got nothing on me!" Of course you say none of this out loud.
When your husband goes to work you start to think he has it so easy. He doesn't have to clean the vomit off the floor, or the poop depending on the day. He doesn't have to watch as the meal you worked hard on hit the floor because the toddler took one look and said "NO!" He can go for lunch with friends or just go do whatever he wants before he comes home. While you the mother think everything through before you do anything. Days out have to be well planned in advance so the husband can handle all the kids or you have a baby sitter. NOT daycare! But a baby sitter that comes over only when you need her. Only when you have had it up to here with these kids and you will pay to be able to step away for a while. For only hours you will feel like yourself again. That is if you got out of the house on a good note. If the kids where not letting you leave then you might not even want to go after all that. Makes it seem like so much work to get only yourself out the door.
Trying to explain all these feelings and crazy ideas you have about how easy you think he has it is not easy. Some of it is not accurate, but it is what you feel. When trying to tell a man about this, it is like talking to your toddler. When a woman says the word feelings, there is a switch in the mans brain that shuts everything but the essentials down. Suddenly instead of him replying with a sentence all you get it is "yes dear" or "of course dear." What they don't seem to realize is that when they do this it sets off a trigger in the woman who immediately gets mad. She knows you are not listening. This is a chain reaction that the man does not see coming. Men seem to have trouble with realizing the consequences of their actions.
I have heard from many people that being a stay at home mom or a Homemaker is one of the hardest jobs you can have. I am here to tell you that it is. While at the end of your work day you look forward to spending a few hrs with your kids before sending them to bed, and you get some alone time. My work never leaves me, it calls my name every few minutes "mamma mamma!" But while you might dread going to your work in the morning, I look forward to the pictures that i will get, or hugs and cuddles, or the satisfaction i get from knowing that my kids are thriving. While my work never leaves me I get so much more in return. My house is messy but covered in pictures drawn just for me and crafts that kids made at school and brought home for me. Having the hardest job in the world is worth it when they say at the end of a hard or bad day....
"Love you mom!"
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