When we judge others on nothing, nothing good will come of it.
I would like to take a few minutes and talk about all this shaming of parents that bottle feed thier children or do things different to the rest.
When I had my first my baby all I new was that I wanted to breast feed until at least 6 months old if not longer. This how ever is not what happened. When she was around 4 months old she got her first tooth and then started biting me while I was feeding her. One day it all came to a head when she bit me hard enough that I jumped and started bleeding. This is when I realized that I was done breast feeding. She was getting teeth on the top and bottom already and was bitting everything she could get her hands on. So we started offering her the bottle. To my surprise it wasn't a hard transition for her. She took to it right away. This was the last time I would ever exclusively breast feed one of my baby's. My second daughter had to go the NICU which meant I had a c-section. I couldn't really move to get to her so she became us to having a bottle, and because I couldn't start feeding her right away I didn't make enough milk for her. My third baby was breast and bottle fed for a month after which I couldnt keep up with how much he wanted and he became a bottle baby too.
I keep seeing things about how a mother shouldn't be able to breast feed any where and people are giving them glares because they are not covering up in public ( please cover up in public people do not need to see everything). Then on the other hand I see mothers attacking other mothers because they bottle feed thier baby. I would like to say that both are right. Every child is different and so is every mother. Walking around judging others based on nothing but the few seconds that you saw this person trying to feed or even change thier baby is rediculess. I can't even begin to tell you how wrong that is. We as mother's keep telling our kids that it is wrong to judge others. Yet we has parents do this all the time. Breast is best if you can breast feed that is great, others have trouble making enough milk to keep up with the demand thier baby is placing on them. Others simply chose to bottle feed for thier own reasons and they don't need to explain themselves to you! If anyone looks hard enough you can find something you don't like about everyone you know. You don't do this tho because you like those people. So instead of judging and saying breast is always best just think about the baby. If that mother doesn't know that she isn't making enough milk that baby will suffer.
What I am trying to say is lets stop judging each other based on choices we make. Let's start being nice and accepting that people will make different choices that you. Every house hold does things a little different. That doesn't mean it's bad that just makes it different. If we were all the same it would be a very boring world we live in. Don't judge be accepting, don't talk behind backs find the truth before you make your mind up. Please remember what it felt like when you were judged and keep it in mind when you find your self doing that to others.
"Have courage and be kind" - Cinderella
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